Careening toward the year's end

Fall seems like it should be a time of winding down on a farm ... but it doesn't quite feel that way here. I feel inspired to write a blog post because there are just too many things still to talk about!

First off, pork is coming soon! The pigs are FAT and HAPPY!! I will be contacting the lucky recipients of these delicious creatures very soon, to make arrangements to get them into your freezers.

Second, our turkey pre-orders are filling rapidly. If you haven't reserved your Thanksgiving turkey yet, get to it NOW! They are also growing quickly, and passing from gangly youths into more majestic adults. Still goofy, but majestically goofy.

Then, on to the garden. The FarmShare still has 3 weeks to go, but now I am gearing up to sign you up for NEXT year! Get your renewal forms starting on 10/19, and your new-member forms shortly after.

Garlic planting is coming up - 10/20 from 9 til noon. Don't miss the fun!

WinterShare sign-ups are in full swing. If you are interested in 3 (or even just 1) boxes of delicious, nutritious storage crops over the winter, get in touch! The pick-up dates will be 12/1/16, 12/15/16, and 1/12/17. A 25 lb box is $75, and will contain a variety - some combination ofonions, winter squash, rutabaga, turnips, beets, leeks, daikon radishes, and watermelon radishes.

It is time to start thinking about holiday decor - I am taking pre-orders, at a 5% discount, until November 15th. Wreaths, kissing balls, swag, roping ... get in touch with your requests.

Additionally, I am excited to announce that in April 2017, we will be having a Spring Share for those of you who really love the tender spring crops. Four extra weeks of FarmShare! Keep your eye out for details.
